Dharma Talks and Meditations

Sharda has over 300 dharma talks available at Dharma Seed. (This link takes you directly to her Talks page.) The talks are offered freely.

Dharma Seed gathers, preserves and freely shares recordings of teachers inspired by early Buddhism for the benefit of students, teachers, and dharma centers worldwide. Please consider making a donation so they can continue offering this invaluable service.

If you would like to donate to Sharda in appreciation, the link on her Talks page goes directly to her PayPal account.

Sharda Rogell Sharda Rogell

Descending Into the Heart


Mindfulness encourages releasing the hold of the discursive mind, and frees the attention to drop into the heart and body, revealing the source of true happiness.

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Sharda Rogell Sharda Rogell

The Birth of Love

This talk was given at Wood Acres, SASK, Canada on a weeklong silent retreat called Stillness Flowing in May 2014.


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Meditation Instructions

Here are a series of vipassana (insight) meditation instructions given on retreats that will be helpful as you deepen your meditation practice.

  • Morning Instructions Day 1 - Breath

    These instructions were given on a week long retreat in Moose Jaw, SASK, Canada in 2009 (17 min.)

  • Morning Instructions Day 2 - Body

    These instructions were given on a week long retreat in Moose Jaw, SASK, Canada in 2009 (15 min.)

  • Morning Instructions Day 3 - Emotions

    These instructions were given on a week long retreat in Moose Jaw, SASK, Canada in 2009 (12:30 min.)

  • Morning Instructions Day 4 - Thoughts

    These instructions were given on a week long retreat in Moose Jaw, SASK, Canada in 2009 (14 min.)

  • Morning Instructions Day 5 - Feeling Tone

    These instructions were given on a week long retreat in Moose Jaw, SASK, Canada in 2009 (15 min.)

  • Morning Instructions Day 6 - Selflessness

    These instructions were given on a week long retreat in Moose Jaw, SASK, Canada in 2009 (9 min.)

  • Last morning review and 4th Foundation of Mindfulness

    A short dharma talk followed by a guided meditation on mindfulness of dharma qualities. And Q and A.

    Insight Meditation Society New Year’s Retreat 2019 (53:07)

  • Disengaging from Story-making

    A short dharma talk followed by a guided meditation on using bare attention to disengage from the habit of story-making. And Q and A.

    Insight Meditation Society New Year’s Retreat 2019 (55:11)

  • Working with Thoughts

    A dharma talk followed by a guided meditation on investigating mental activity — thoughts and images.

    Spirit Rock Meditation Center Equanimity Retreat (May 2020 online) (50:21)